Cotomono Exhibition
at sowale in BERLIN
“The Stargazer’s Bag”
December 1st – 7th. 2017
Opening Party
Friday. December 1st
about cotomono
Motoco Imamura (Bag Maker) born in 1974,living in Fukuoka,Japan.
I started exhibiting her bags in 2008 various design-shops and art-space in Tokyo, Osaka, Kyushu, and overseas.
My given name is Motoco. Morocco -〉read upside down = cotomo.
cotomo + no = cotomono
In Japanese, the meaning of〈coto〉is individual, piece and〈mono〉is whole.
I handcrafts all her bags from design to production.
I selects her cloths carefully and make original pieces using the technique of silkscreen printing.
I am particular about color, form and usability.
However, bag making is not a purpose for me.
It is a method.
A method to meet people.
My bags give her the possibility to an encounter.
It is her method to move myself.
A beautiful thing grows up a beautiful mind.
In a beautiful mind grows peace.
Therefore I want to create a beautiful thing.
My ming moves her hands.
It is my attitude.